London Society, Clinical Conversation with Miquel Bassols
London Society (UK) 8 February, Clinical Conversation with Miquel Bassols
London Society (UK) 8 February, Clinical Conversation with Miquel Bassols
GIEP- NLS (Israël) 25 February - Tel Aviv, Cartel Study Day, The Function of Plus One, with Frank Rolier
Congrès de la NLS/Congress of the NLS: Les amours douloureuses - Painful loves Paris, 17 & 18.05.2025 register here / inscriptions:*1ljk6qx*_gcl_au*MjEzMDYxMzMyNy4xNzI3NjE4Mzc5LjExNDU2MjAyNDAuMTcyNzc5MTUzMy4xNzI3NzkxNTgy*_ga*NTQwMTE4MTU5LjE3Mjc2MTgzODA.*_ga_39H9VBFX7G*MTcyNzc5MDQ0NS40LjEuMTcyNzc5MTgwMy41Mi4wLjA