GIEP- NLS (Israël)
7 January – Tel Aviv
14 and 25 January -– Tel Aviv,Â
The desire of the analyst, an object of constitutive alienation:
 painful love under transference
25 January
 Reading SeminarÂ
NLS Initiative BerlinÂ
10 January – BerlinÂ
What’s Up With Love?
Initiative Toronto
11 and 14 JanuaryÂ
Reading seminars
Kring voor Psychoanalyse (Belgium)
21 January – Ghent
Atelier de lecture : Le partenaire – symptômeÂ
Société hellénique
24 janvier-Athènes
3e Workshop sur le thème du congrès
NLS Initiative Wien
31 January – ViennaÂ