Le communiqué complet en fichier joint
J’ai reçu d’Afshin Zamani, membre de la direction de la Freudian Association le mail suivant à 12 : 31 : « Dear Mr Miller, congratulation. About one hour ago, Dr Kadivar was informed that she is released, but they said that her lawyer have to come for her release. So the lawyer will go to the hospital tomorrow. That will release her. We will contact you again. Best regards. Thank you so much.
A. Zamani. »
J’ai posé quelques questions. A 15 : 49, la réponse m’est arrivée : « Dr Kadivar herself informed us of her release. Her lawyer is F* N*. He has no email address.Dr. Kadivar told us that we must create him an email address. We will make it and sent the address to you. His mobile no°: +980xxxxx and 980xxxxxx.
Regards. AZ »
Autres mails. 15 : 55 : « Farzam Parva is our coordinator with the lawyer. He
knows English. His mobile n°: +980xxxxxx. » 16 : 31 : « You can just dial 0098 to
connect to Iran, and then for office n° dial 021 (Tehran n°.) But for mobile you
just dial 0098 and then 0912 is for mobile. »
Stay tuned.