Now is the Time!
Yes, you’re already thinking of presenting a clinical case at the Congress! It will of course be part of the theme “Anxiety and Discontent”. So, don't wait any longer, write it!
Some guiding themes:
– Freudian clinic: anxiety neurosis, anxiety hysteria.
– Current forms of discontent: the impact of current discourses on subjectivity
– Acute anxiety vs. panic attacks
– From anxiety to the symptom
– The emergence of anxiety under transference
– Phobias: limits for desire or bulwarks against jouissance?
– Direct hold of anxiety on the body: scarification, bulimia, etc…
– Anxiety and separation: fall of the object/letting drop of the subject
Papers to be sent by the 20th of March to the following address:
In the following form:
– 7,000 characters, including spaces, written in Times New Roman font, size 12, line spacing 1.15.
– In the body of the text: the author’s surname, first name, e-mail address and mobile phone number.
– Subject of the email: NLS Congress – Simultaneous Sessions NAME First name
Remember that the simultaneous (parallel) sessions will take place on Saturday 20 May, 13:00 -16:15, with some in English and others in French. There will be no translation: each speaker and each participant will select the language of their choice.