Call for papers for the simultaneous clinical sessions of
force of the simultaneous sessions
The simultaneous sessions of the
second European Congress of Psychoanalysis, PIPOL 6, entitled « The case,
the institution and my experience of psychoanalysis » will host a crowd
that does not speak as one voice, but with a multiplicity of singular
enunciations. So, in accordance with the era After Oedipus, we are
interested in the diversity of the psychoanalytical practice in Europe to the
extreme of one by one. This particular type of crowd where each one
endeavors to define what differentiates it absolutely from any other, is the
base of our « material force ».
psychoanalyst’s institution
For the psychoanalyst, the
institution is a discourse, that is, a mode of social tie that the analyst
establishes in the places where the psychoanalytical act unfolds. Behind the
couch, the analyst establishes a serious relationship with « another
scene », supports the hypothesis that the mistakes of speech « mean
something », and handles the equivocal of the signifier to produce effects
of truth. Beside these three poles: the unconscious, the supposed subject of
knowledge and interpretation, the setting instituted by the psychoanalyst has
the particularity of leaving empty the place of the master so that the subject
can deposit his/her own master signifiers.
Outside of
the office, the psychoanalyst is not outside of the psychoanalytical
discourse. Analysts and analysands who work in « mental health »
institutions carry their discourse with them. Whether master or knowledge is
embodied there is just one more given that the practitioner of psychoanalysis
has to take into consideration in calculating the action. Moreover, this
presence of the master and of knowledge exposes the analyst to cases rarely
encountered in private practice. Indeed, the disoriented subject, the
non-dupe, the one who can’t rhyme the enigma of his/her existence to any
signification whatsoever, comes to find in this presence a sort of social tie,
a discursive alternative that fastens to the signifier, procuring
identifications and supporting the being.
the screen of language
But for the psychoanalyst, the
institution is confined neither to an alienation-producing machine, nor to a
mechanism for solidifying identifications. Once the subject has found
appeasement in a discursive setting that is supported by the common language,
psychoanalytically oriented practitioners make an effort to defend the
singularity that resists the code of the Other. They try to read the lalangue
that precedes the subject’s speech; a letter that allows for a
symptomatic tie to be made that does without the institution as incarnated by
the master.
When the
One-all-alone meets an other
We know, since PIPOL 5, that the case
presented in our congresses does not exist as such2. It’s the
practitioner’s construction, and the practitioner is present there like
Velázquez in Las Méninas.
It remains to be known whether this presence is that of the
practitioner’s phantasm, ideals, identifications, or if on the contrary,
it is the practitioner’s most intimate style, determined during the
traumatic encounter of the signifier with the body. From the moment the
practitioner’s own most private singularity begins to echo in the
experience of psychoanalysis, he/she can carve out a place and handle the
singularity of the subject speaking to them. That’s saying that the work
done in institutions begins with what the psychoanalytic experience teaches the
practitioner about his/her most authentic relationship to the real. This
relationship to singularity and to the real, relieved of its defenses allows,
according to the case, the re-enforcement of the subject’s fastening to
the institutional Other when necessary or, supporting the subject’s work
of the letter, an elaboration of the lalangue, in order to border the
enjoyment that invades the subject3.
We invite
practitioners of psychoanalysis in Europe to speak as practitioner-analysands,
while tying together: the case, the institution and the practitioner’s
experience of psychoanalysis. Those of you who wish to participate as speakers
during the simultaneous sessions are asked to illustrate a clinical event,
showing how your experience of psychoanalysis allowed you to operate with the
case and the institution, while taking the real into account as the support for
your action.
conclude, be reminded of our mobile definition of the institution. The analyst
transports the discourse where ever like a suitcase and installs it wherever
he/she may be, with the ethic that consists in quashing the universal with the
singular4. It aims at the point One-all-alone that escapes
the institution. In consequence, all our colleagues are invited to participate
in the simultaneous sessions of PIPOL 6, even if their institution is limited
to the private practice5.
All the
simultaneous sessions will take place on the first day of the Congress, that is
Saturday, July 6th from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. and again from 3 p.m. to 8 p.m.
Papers may be presented in any of the five languages retained for the Congress:
English, French, Spanish, Italian and Dutch. They may be addressed at present
to Laura Petrosino, Secretary of the Simultaneous Sessions, (mlpetrosino@gmail.com), and to Gil Caroz (gil.caroz@skynet.be). Deadline for papers is
midnight, April 16th. The papers selected, considered as a work in progress,
will receive the benefit of « mentors » so that each speaker can get
a feel for the Other and refine their work before the Congress.
technical indications for papers:
– Total
number of signs, spaces included must not exceed 9000 (15 minutes speaking
– Font type: 12
point, Times New Roman
Document Format: Document Word 97-2003
– Name
of document: NAME-LANGUAGE (example: COHEN-ENGLISH)
Centered, at the top of first page: Title of your paper, and underneath it,
your last name followed by your first name
of Psychoanalysis
Translation: Julia Richards
1 MILLER J.-A., « Vers PIPOL
4 », Mental n°20, février 2008.
2 MILLER J.-A., « Parler avec son
corps », Mental n°27/28, septembre 2012.
« Introduction to the simultaneous clinical sessions of PIPOL 6 », PIPOL
NEWS 2, 01-11-2012
4 LACAN J., « Lituraterre », Autres écrits,
Paris, Seuil, 2001, p. 16.
5 BASSOLS M., « Présence de l’institution
dans la clinique », PIPOL NEWS 4, 13-11-2012
Second European Congress of Psychoanalysis
After Oedipus
The Diversity of Psychoanalytic Practice in Europe
6th and 7th 2013
Meeting Centre
Mont des
Arts 1000 Bruxelles
Simultaneous translation
Dutch, English, French, Italian, Spanish
Online registration: www.europsychanalyse.eu
Enquiries : +32 (0)483 365 082 | info@europsychanalyse.eu