DAY Communique
10th WAP Congress
The 15th of December 2015 is
the deadline for you to send to the Scientific
Commission of the 10th Congress of the WAP –
Speaking Body: On the Unconscious in the 21st
Century – your texts with cases for
the Clinical Day that will be held on the
27th of April 2016. The
members of the WAP are invited to say how they
are confronted with the unconscious in their
clinic, in the perspective of the speaking body.
It will be a privileged occasion to consider how
we analyse the speaking being today. Taking
their reference from Jacques-Alain Miller’s
argument in “The Unconscious and the Speaking
Body”, the Scientific Commission has proposed
five thematic axes, which you will find detailed
on the website of the Congress, which can be
accessed via the link provided
below. There you will find all the
relevant information concerning the format, the
mailing of texts and the selection of
work. Clinical Day – The
Speaking Body Marcus
André Vieira – 10th WAP Congress
Director Miquel Bassols -10th WAP Congress