Communique – For the Rule of Law in Venezuela

Association of Psychoanalysis


For the Rule of Law in Venezuela


The President of the WAP has recently
received, by the intermediary of the Associate Council of the NEL, a Communique
from our colleagues from NEL-Caracas alerting us to the serious events that
have recently shaken the country of Venezuela and requesting the support of the


Especially moved and concerned by this
request for support, we affirm in the first instance our principled solidarity with our colleagues in Venezuela who are
living through these critical times. We trust and request that the rule of law
will be upheld in the whole country.


The World Association of Psychoanalysis
defends the necessity of the rule of law as the minimal condition for the
development of psychoanalysis in each part of the world. If these minimal
conditions cannot be preserved then we are always opposed to the actions that
threaten them.


If in the next days the alarming rumours
are confirmed, the WAP, under the signature of its President, will not hesitate
to launch an international petition designed to alert psychoanalytical
associations of all affiliations across the globe.


3rd April 2017


Miquel Bassols (President of the WAP)

New Lacanian School
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