Congress, Blog : call for contributions

Dear colleagues,
Preparations for the NLS Congress is active in every NLS zone. Certain local Seminars are oriented by the theme, the Knotting Seminars go on (in London this week-end) with the new Lightning Cartel, and finally the Cartels peruse their exchanges via the Intercartel.
In Gand, our Kring colleagues are meticulously preparing the Congress’ surroundings. It’s time to subscribe in order to obtain a reduced price and encourage the organizing team.
In the midst of last year’s success, the Congress Blog will be opening this january. A first contribution, committed and documented, from our colleague Laure NAVEAU will appear soon on the Blog. Onward, contributions within 3500 signs will be welcomed in both recognized NLS languages. These works will attempt to advance the theme of fantasm, such as it is taken on in the argument concerning the sign of the Real at stake in a lacanian analysis.
The propositions for the Blog may be sent to Anne Béraud for the french and to Florencia Shanahan for the english.
On a final note, the call for contributions will be launched after the Blog’s opening.
Receive, dear colleagues, on behalf of the Executive Comity of the NLS, our best wishes for a year 2014 full of desire!
For the EC
Dominique Holvoet

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