Program Dublin Day by Zoom
(Time is indicated in Central European Time)
2.30 p.m. – 4.30 p.m.: 1st part: The Pass
2.30 p.m.- 2.55 p.m.: Introduction — Chair: Joanne Conway (en)
2.30 p.m.- 2.35 p.m.: Joanne Conway (en) – Opening
2.35 p.m.- 2.45 p.m.: Alexandre Stevens (fr) – Introduction to the day
2.45 p.m.- 2.55 p.m.: Anna Aromi (fr) – On the Experience of the Secretariat of
the Pass
2.55 p.m.- 3.30 p.m.: Chair: Bernard Seynhaeve (fr)
Dossia Avdelidi (fr) – First Pass testimony
3.30 p.m.- 4.30 p.m.: The teaching of the A.S.:
"How the devil can
psychoanalysis, which is a practice, work?” — Chair: Bruno de Halleux (fr)
3.30 p.m.- 3.50 p.m.: Florencia Shanahan (en)
3.50 p.m.- 4.10 p.m.: Anne Béraud (fr)
4.10 p.m.- 4.30 p.m.: Discussion
4.30 p.m.- 6.30 p.m.: 2nd part: Supervision and the Guarantee
4.30 p.m.- 5.25 p.m.: The Experience of Supervision — Chair:
Marie-Hélène Brousse (fr)
4.30 p.m.- 4.50 p.m.: Marina Frangiadaki (fr)
4.30 p.m.- 5.10 p.m.: Joost Demuynck (fr)
5.10 p.m.- 5.25 p.m.: Discussion
5.25 p.m.- 6.20 p.m.: The Guarantee – Chair: Domenico Cosenza (fr)
5.25 p.m.- 5.45 p.m.: Pierre-Gilles Guéguen (fr)
5.45 p.m.- 6.05 p.m.: Maria Cristina Aguirre (en)
6.05 p.m.- 6.20 p.m.: Discussion
6.20 p.m.- 6.30 p.m.: Chair: Ruzanna Hakobyan (en)
Daniel Roy (fr) – Conclusions of the Day
Ruzanna Hakobyan (en) – Word of thanks