Greeting letter, towards the Congress

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Dear colleague,



“Before the psychotic, before the delusional,

do not forget that you are, or you were, an analysand,

and that you too spoke of what does not exist”

Jacques-Alain Miller, Clinique ironique



You don’t ignore that in five months, on May 18th and 19th 2013, we will meet in Athens for the XIth Congress of the NLS which will be the occasion to celebrate 10 years of existence of our School. A members Conversation will punctuate the event on Friday 17th May in the afternoon, in order to find out what the New Lacanian School wants for the 21st century!


The theme of the Congress, initiated by Éric Laurent in Tel Aviv, will focus on the impact of science and capitalism on our clinic, from the perspective of what we call «psychosis». It will be a matter of producing something new departing from  what psychoanalysis, our own analysis and  our practice teach us. Which original mode of knotting, which invention –always symptomatic-, or even which typical mode, has such speaking-being found to attach the body to speech ? It is not excluded, in line with the orientation of PIPOL VI, that one tackles the question from the viewpoint of one’s own experience as analysand, or as analysand-practitioner in an institution. For this joint of the body onto language never holds completely for anyone, making the category of psychosis falter at the end of Lacan’s teaching. This congress should draw the consequences of this. It is, in any case, from another knotting, different from that of the Name-of-the-Father, that the issue will be considered, according to the logic of the previous congress where we explored how the sinthome as writing impacted on the body and called, no longer for its interpretation, but for its reading.


Practical information, festivities, concrete arrangements, all of that is being actively prepared. The information centre is the new website of the NLS where you can already register for the Congress. I invite you to discover this site, to rediscover your School, section by section. It lacks nothing but your contribution!


I hereby launch a call for contributions, not yet for the congress itself, but for its preparation. I invite you to send to Florencia Shanahan a paper of 3500 characters maximum (including spaces, in English or French) before the end of this month; a paper presenting the flash of the issue as it arises for you right now, from a reading, a clinical vignette, a moment of analysis, a supervision session, cartel work, a film…

Reread Éric Laurent’s intervention as well as the argument, both available on the website as downloadable pdf in French and English. Take a look at the bibliography on the site. Contributions will be posted on a blog through the good offices of Florencia Shanahan. Colleagues will then respond online!


On behalf of the Executive Committee and the team of the Congress, it is time to send  each and everyone our best wishes for the year 2013 and to rendezvous on the website of the NLS, on the blog as well as on nls-messager before we meet at the Congress in Athens for a time of working in presentia!



Dominique Holvoet

President of the NLS


Contributions to be sent to before January 31st 2013




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