Activités des Sociétés et Groupes de la NLS
Activities of the Societies and Groups of the NLS
The Irish Circle of the Lacanian Orientation
New Lacanian School
Reading Seminar “Returning to Freud (IV)", organised by ICLO-NLS, entitled “The Neurotic Invented the Father”, and conducted by Rik Loose and Joanne Conway.
Freud’s interest in – and admiration for – religion is well known. He nevertheless did not develop psychoanalysis in the direction of a religious interpretation of the Father but rather concluded that the latter is an invention of the neurotic. Each seminar will focus on an aspect of the two major works Freud devoted to religion: Future of an Illusion and Moses and Monotheism. The three seminars will be based on a close reading, include an exploration of the aspect (that each seminar will focus on) within the context of his work and investigate its relevance for clinical practice. This space is addressed to anybody with an interest in psychoanalytic thinking.
For information or if you have any questions, please e-mail:
To register for these Seminar e-mail: register@iclo-nls.or
Friday, September 25
7pm – 9pm
Psychological Society of Ireland
Grantham House,
Grantham St,
Dublin 2
Presenters: Rik Loose – Joanne Conway
Friday, October 16
7pm – 9pm
Psychological Society of Ireland
Grantham House,
Grantham St,
Dublin 2
Presenters: Rik Loose – Joanne Conway
Friday, November 27
7pm – 9pm
Presenters: Rik Loose – Joanne Conway
Suggested reading:
Freud, S., "The Future of an Illusion", The Standard Edition of the Complete Psychological Works of Sigmund Freud. Vol. 21.Trans. J. Strachey.
Freud, S., "Moses and Monotheism", The Standard Edition of the Complete Psychological Works of Sigmund Freud. Vol. 23.Trans. J. Strachey.