Jacques-Alain Miller
Madrid, 13 May 2017
By reading this letter, I announced to the audience of my Conference-debate the title of the international journal of Lacanian politics, which will soon appear as an online supplement to Lacan Quotidien.
It will publish texts without translation. It will have a wide network of correspondents throughout Europe and Latin America, from Australia to Siberia, with representatives in the United States and in China. All aspects of Lacanian reference in the political feld will be present: from BHL’s La règle du jeu, to Jorge Aleman’s Izquierda lacaniana and Gérard Miller’s Mélenchonist option. We will also attempt to maintain discussion with philosophers, researchers, economists, historians, sociologists, whether established or young such as, in France, Étienne Balibar, Éloi Laurent, David Spector, etc.
It will be a publication at once with reference to Lacan and without any dogmatism, a sort of infnite conversation with which to orient ourselves in the world – “l’im-monde”, as Lacan said on occasion when he would be a bit nostalgic. And always with the maxim, “le maître de demain, c’est dès aujourd’hui qu’il commande”. But what is this master that is already secretly governing? This question is of pure Heraclitean style, but its response cannot be Heraclitean: “the lightning bolt” or “the combat” or “the child”. In the 21st century, we need a response in terms of structure.
“And Freud? You are not saying anything about Freud? – Freud forms the basis of all this, in as much as he said that die Individualpsychologie ist daher von Anfang an auch gleichzeitig Sozialpsychologie. And what is the name of the journal? – HERETIC.”
New Lacanian School
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