‘Knottings’ Seminar of the NLS 2012

KNOTTINGS 2012-2013


Psychoanalysis and the Psychotic Subject
From Forced Invention to Belief in the Symptom


Concept of ‘Knottings


The ‘Knottings’ Seminar of the NLS, has the function –as its name suggests- of weaving the working ties within the whole of the School, in a combinatory way that pierces bilateral ties. Organised by the Executive Committee of the NLS, it brings together colleagues from the 5 Societies, plus the Polish groups. The axis of the Knottings is the Congress of the School, which this year will take place in Athens on 18 and 19 May 2013.


The Knottings allow other voices of psychoanalysis in the Lacanian way–which is one-, to be heard. Their richness lies in this confrontation of languages at the heart of the most heterogeneous of the Schools of the WAP. This diversity is homologous to our object’s matter itself.


The title, the argument, the bibliography, Eric Laurent’s intervention in Tel-Aviv, are to be published to the rhythm of the preparation of the Congress theme, in a continuous work-in-progress. Circulated via NLS-Messager, they will be published on the NLS website: https://amp-nls.org. The website, which is undergoing complete renovation, will offer new tools for this work.


In each location, three papers will be presented and discussed: a theoretical introduction by a member of the Executive Committee, two clinical presentations, by one member of the local group and by a guest from another group. The President of the local group is responsible for chairing and reporting.




You will find below the programme for the next three ‘Knottings’ seminars. The programme for the other Knottings seminars scheduled for 2013 will be announced later.



For the Executive Committee of the NLS

Dominique Holvoet and Nathalie Laceur



15.09.2012 – ASREEP-NLS

Location: Geneva

Introduction: Dominique Holvoet (EC)

Clinical Cases: Lieve Billiet (Kring voor Psychoanalyse van de NLS); Beatriz Premazzi (Asreep-NLS)

President: Renato Seidl


24.09.2011 – Hellenic Society of the NLS

Location: Athens

Introduction : Dominique Holvoet (EC)

Clinical Cases: Sharon Zvili (GIEP); Helene Molari (Hellenic Society)

President: Epaminondas Theodoridis


27.10. 2012 – Circle of Warsaw & Circle of Cracow

Location: Poznan

Introduction: Yves Vanderveken (EC)

Clinical Cases: Anna Pigkou (Hellenic Society); Alina Henzel-Korzeniewska (Circle of Cracow)

President: Grazyna Skibinska



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