LacanianCompass: CSD9 > MUST DO IT! > Argument and Call for Papers



New York City

March 18-20, 2016

MUST DO IT!  New Forms of Demand in Subjective Experience

Much is made today of certain psychic trends or so-called epidemics in society–the rise of addiction, or depression, or autism, or inattention, and so forthall
of which is frequently linked to changes in social structure–a culture of permissiveness, the decline of the father or authority structures, and the excesses of consumerism. 

There is another no less prevalent, but more subtle dimension to these psychic changes–the fact that contemporary subjects are often not striving, desiring pleasure, in some sort of uncomplicated
fashion, such as the way in which happiness is measured in psychological or sociological rating scales, fulfilling the Declaration's 'pursuit of happiness.'  Rather, that we see the subject driven by sets of imperatives, demands produced for sure in the social
world, but at the same time and ever yet more insidiously internalized and reworked as the demands of what, in older Freudian language, was referred to as the superego. Not a desire for some thing chosen by a subject, but a subject incessantly driven by a
force, a jouissance, out of control, without limits.

For this conference, we would like to map out these new forms of the demand and of the superego in the twenty first century. In what ways are we seeing the expression of this in the clinic?
In the ways in which suffering is articulated today, especially in young people? But, also, to consider as well the ways in which the demands of the external world–due to changes in the development of capitalism and in science–are experienced differently
by subjects. The role of gadgets and the development of the iHuman is certainly one dimension of this, but we should not ignore other dimensions of the way in which the organization of day to day life–take such disparate phenomena as social media and advertising,
or so-called helicopter parenting, the novel workplace life of Silicon Valley companies, increasing income inequality, or, the 24/7 demands for communication–are having an impact on the subject.  

How might the experience of Lacanian psychoanalysis allow a subject to find a way, a compass point, to orient itself in such a world. 

The Scientific Committee of the CSD9 invites you to present a case presentation at this meeting, where the theme of the Study Days “Must Do It”
should be addressed. Papers should be both at most 20 minutes long when read aloud and at most 15.000 characters with spaces in length.

Papers should be submitted not later than January 15, 2016. We appreciate your interest and collaboration on the Clinical Study Days, and we
are looking forward to receiving your papers and to seeing you in New York City.

Please send your texts to the CSD9 Scientific Committee at

Scientific Committee
Alicia Arenas, Chair
Maria Cristina Aguirre
Juan Felipe Arango
Pierre-Gilles Gueguen

Liliana Kruszel

Thomas Svolos
Karina Tenenbaum




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