Elisa Alvarenga, in a 2021 video conference for the Lacanian Compass working towards the Clinical Study Days 14, entitled “What Real at stake”, develops the argument that Lacan poses about the real, saying that the real is the ‘mystery of the speaking body’. She will demonstrate that in relation to the non-sexual rapport, the body speaks from the One, singular mark of jouissance, which is always an obstacle for a possible encounter of the sexes. In Lacan’s last seminars, Elisa argues, the unconscious becomes related more to the written, since the purpose of language is not to communicate. Writing lalangue in one word, Alvarenga reminds us, indicates that its purpose is jouissance, which encloses each one of the sexes inside itself. There's no dialogue between the sexes and love will be the instrument to make them cross the wall between them by means of the object a.
Liliana Kruszel