Jean Lucy Monnier's presentation is divided in two parts. In the first, he takes us first through Freud's conception of the transference as a "false connection, and, at the same time, a true love". Then he moves to Lacan's Proposition of 1967, emphasizing what is symbolic of transference. On top of the algorithm there is the signifier of transference, "the ordinary signifier, a signifier that integrates as meaning in the series of unconscious signifiers of the analysand," while on the bottom is "a pending knowledge on the side of the subject." Finally, guided by Jacques-Alain Miller, Monnier draws our attention to Lacan's very last teaching, where the signifier of transference and the signifier of delusion are equivalent. Here the transference and the Subject Supposed to Know are "a fact of language but with a use value, that is to say which has a hold on jouissance."