Letter to the Iranian Psychiatrists

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  Letter to the Iranian Psychiatrists

 The undersigned, committed to the respect of the person of the Iranian psychoanalyst Mitra KADIVAR, medical doctor, hereby

–  Express their gratitude to
Dr. Mohammed GHADIRI, medical director of the psychiatric hospital of
the School of Medicine of Tehran University of Medical Sciences, for
having put an end to the forced injections of neuroleptics to which
Mitra has been subjected, and to have authorised her to use the Internet

  Ask that the
evidence of perfect mental health that can be witnessed in the
exchanges Mitra has been having with her students as well as with her
friends abroad allow her to be released rapidly, according to the
channels and protocols of the country ;

  Hope that
this incident will be the occasion for mental health professionals,
psychiatrists and psychoanalysts worldwide to strengthen their fraternal
ties, in the best interest of the advancement of their various
disciplines ;

that it is to the honour of Iran to have an Iranian school of
psychoanalysis, the Freudian Association, chaired by Mitra Kadivar.

 Bernard-Henri Lévy and Jacques-Alain Miller

Translation :
Victoria Woolard

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