MA Psychoanalysis, Kingston University, London

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Dear colleagues

Veronique Voruz, Natalie Wulfing and Scott Wilson are starting a new MA in Psychoanalysis in London, promoting the Lacanian Orientation.

Please find attached information concerning a new MA in Psychoanalysis offered by Kingston University in conjunction with practicing analysts in London, closely supported by the Department of Psychoanalysis at Paris-8 University, the Institute of the Freudian Field and the Université Populaire Jacques Lacan (UPJL). We would be very grateful if you would forward this information to anyone you think might be interested. 

The MA starts in September 2014, here is the link to the website:

For further information including how to apply, please contact

Lorna Severn
Scott Wilson

Best wishes,

Natalie Wülfing
Véronique Voruz

Scott Wilson

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