For the Schools of the WAP
Dear colleagues, NLS members and members of NLS Societies and Groups,
On behalf of Christiane Alberti, President of the WAP, and the WAP Council, I am pleased to send you the report on the New Youth Policy, as it was drawn up at the last WAP Council meeting on 29 January 2023. It is a text that will guide the policy of our School for the years to come and that asks us to invent modalities specific to the NLS for welcoming new members, but also to consider anew the place of young members in the Societies, Groups and Initiatives of the NLS. This perspective will be the focus of the next General Assembly, for NLS members only, which will be held on Saturday, May 20th from 5:30 pm to 7:30 pm (Paris time) by videoconference.
Yours sincerely
Daniel Roy, President of the NLS
World Association of Psychoanalysis
9-Point Report
The WAP Council receives the lists of the members proposed for its approval by the governing bodies of each of the Schools. On this occasion, the WAP Council was able to judge the seriousness and precision with which the lists were drawn up and the CVs presented.
In so doing, the Council could not help but notice the absence of young people everywhere in the selection of future members. It was to remedy this phenomenon that the New Youth Policy [la nouvelle politique jeunesse] – so-named by J.-A. Miller – was drawn up at the last meeting of the Council and is hereby communicated to the governing bodies of the seven Schools.