Patrick Monribot, Recorridos
Thomas Svolos, Twenty-First Century Psychoanalysis
And let's not forget the journals:
Psychoanalytical Notebooks (LS-NLS)
Et Lacan Actuel & Usages of Control (GIEP)
iNWiT & Via Lacan (Kring)
H Ψυχανάλυση (Société Hellénique)
Psychoanaliza (Cercle de Varsovie)
Actes du Pont Freudien (Quebec)
Lacanian Ink
Mental, Quarto, La Cause du désir, Scilicet
and more !
As well as copies of the online journals:
New Lacanian School Nous contacter: nls-messager-help@a Nouvelle inscription: http://www.amp-nl | Le site de la NLS https://amp-nls.org | Le Blog du Congrès NLS 2017 : http://nlscongress2017. |
New Lacanian School New registration: http://www.amp-n | The website of the NLS https://amp-nls.org | The Blog of the 2017 NLS Congress: |