NLS-Knottings Seminar, London Society of theNew Lacanian School


The London Society

of the New Lacanian School


Saturday, 11 January 2014

2.00 – 4.30 pm (ULU, Malet St.)

NLS – Knottings Seminar

WHAT CANNOT BE SAID: Desire, Fantasy, Real

On the real in contemporary practice

This event showcases the work of the members of the New Lacanian School around the theme of the forthcoming NLS-Congress in Ghent, Belgium 17-18 May 2014 – What Cannot Be Said. The objects of enjoyment in what cannot be said escape the narrative, but make themselves felt in bungled acts, in forgetting, in symptoms or as anxiety. The Lacanian practice is oriented towards the real in these phenomena, and towards separating the meaning effect from meaning.


Chair: Natalie Wulfing (NLS, UK)

With a theoretical paper by Nathalie Laceur (NLS, Belgium), NLS-Secretary and member of the NLS Executive Committee.

And case presentations from Susana Huler (NLS, Israel) and Veronique Voruz (NLS, UK).


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