Call for Papers
What is patriarchy?
This question posed by Guy Poblome at the end of the argument announcing the next Pipol Congress is a point of entry to the clinical day to be held on July 1st 2023. Patriarchy, a term that has been revised today appears in the garb of an ideal. Curiously, the current debates touch a broad range of people, who blame patriarchy for their cause. However, what does this term cover, coming as a unanimous response to all upheavals, whether they are racial, feminist, gender or even ecological?
In these simultaneous sessions, the maladies of the father and their consequences as well as the different ways of being a father in modern society will be explored. But the aforementioned patriarchy extends well beyond the question of the father, it also concerns in a broader way the body’s involvement in the structure of the unconscious, the very one that Lacan formalised as the discourse of the master. Violence! Domination! we say, when it is a question of the signifier striking the body as a result of our subjection to language. Patriarchy is invoked as the ready-made answer to the troumatism with which everyone has to contend, it permeates contemporary discourses in the form of victimisation or revolt driven by discourses of freedom, sometimes to the point of ravage. The challenge of psychoanalysis is to deconstruct ready-made truths, an operation that has become increasingly risky. Its ethics, far from the goodwill demanded by many, aims to give the subject a chance to see his mode of jouissance more clearly.
The simultaneous sessions of Pipol 11 will be an opportunity the to explore this theme. Based on clinical work, the aim will be to convey the singularity of each case as closely as possible, the way in which the practitioner has been able to intervene in the phantasmatic – and even delusional – knottings of a subject.
Providing opportunities for meetings and exchanges between practitioners from the four corners of Europe working within the multiple networks of the Freudian Field, this clinical day promises to be a rich moment of the Congress. Each one, whether working in private practice, in a consultation centre or in a care institution will have the opportunity to send a case from their practice. Do not hesitate to refer to the orientation texts that will be published in the next few weeks in the Pipol 11 Blog:
The PIPOL 11 simultaneous sessions will feature 120 clinical cases in 4 languages, presented throughout the day in 10 different rooms. And this year it will be an opportunity to share the joy of being together in person. We look forward to receiving your contributions by April 1st at the latest. Your text can be sent to us in English, French, Italian or Spanish at with the following instructions:
– 7500 characters including spaces
– Word format
– Write your surname, first name, region of work and e-mail address at the top of the first page
Let’s get writing,
Céline Poblome-Aulit and Thomas Van Rumst, responsible for the Pipol 11 Simultaneous Sessions.
Translation: Claire Hawkes
Proofreading: Robyn Adler