Updating the Directory of the Adherents of the EuroFederation of Psychoanalysis
Recently, we have announced the updating of the Directory of the Regions. Now we are in a position to announce the Updating of the Directory of the Adherents of the EFP. You will find it attached to this email and at the following address: http://www.europsychoanalysis.eu/site/page/en/10/en/adherents_directory/
This Directory is part of what gives consistency to our European association. It allows us to state the number of people we represent when we are in contact with European political and administrative authorities. It has a weight and we have already referred to it in past instances indicating that our association represents an excess of 2000 people who adhere to the directory that is to say they support Lacanian psychoanalysis as it is practised and taught in the Freudian field.
The registration to the Directory of the EFP is invaluable because it gives to the EFP the strength of a voice which can be heard. However, this registration is by no means the recognition or the guarantee of the practice of those who have registered. The formation of the analyst and the guarantee of his practice are provided by the Schools of the EuroFederation of Psychoanalysis, which have the means to do so.
Gil Caroz President of the EFP
Guy Poblome Secretary of the EFP