« […] les yeux ne perçoivent pas seulement les modifications du monde extérieur importantes pour la conservation de la vie, mais aussi les propriétés des objets par lesquelles ceux-ci sont élevés au rang d’objets amoureux. »
Freud S., Le trouble psychogène de la vision dans la conception psychanalytique, Névrose, psychose et perversion, Paris, PUF, 2002, p. 171.
"[…] the eyes perceive not only alterations in the external world which are important for the preservation of life, but also characteristics of objects which lead to their being chosen as objects of love."
Freud S., Psychoanalytic View of Psychogenic Disturbance of Vision, (1910), SE, Vol. XI (1957), 216.
La schize de l’œil et du regard
Dossia Avdelidi
« Le regard échappe à la vision qui s’imagine consciente. Lacan dit même que le regard est l’envers de la conscience. Le regard est insaisissable, il est, plus que tout autre objet, méconnu. »
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Then & Now
Neil Gorman
“When Lacan says, “[Freud] thought […], that everyone is mad, that is, delusional,” we might propose that at the level of the statement, we have Freud’s Weltanschauung, but what these signifiers slide over is what Lacan calls delusion."
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Love is Blindness
Tsvetelina Ivanova
“Contemporary love practices, influenced by the compromised presence of the Other, could be thought of as an attempt to bear its senseless empty gaze. For if, in bygone times the subject in love was taken as blind, nowadays the blindness is on the side of the Other.”
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