The Experience of the School
Part 2
Constructing the Experience of the School
Alexandre Fedtchuk (Russia Initiative)
Marina Frangiadaki (Borromean Knot Society)
Natalie Wülfing (Berlin Initiative)
Peggy Papada (London Society)
Chaired by
Els Van Compernolle and Jean Luc Monnier
“The communities of work that we have established
involve everyone in their management.
It couldn’t be that way from the start, and for good reason:
at the start, there were no members, it was empty.
It was a City, a hoped for City, with no people.
First, we had to fill this space, bring in the people
and train them. The people are there. As Lacan said,
we thus need to suppose that the spirit of psychoanalysis
is alive in our analytic communities.
If not where will it live?”
New Lacanian School
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