for Christiane Alberti, President of the WAP
What is the WAP?
The World Association of Psychoanalysis brings
together seven Schools, situated in different countries, on different
continents. Characterised by a diversity of languages and styles, it is a
translinguistic experience which aims at keeping the Lacanian orientation and
Psychoanalysis alive in the world. All its members have one thing in common:
their theoretical references, their concern for the formation of the analyst,
their way of practising psychoanalysis, and their doctrine regarding the end of
analysis. Its members, living in different cultural milieus, feel that, one by
one, they form a School ONE, sharing its destiny, sharing as destiny:
The Congress?
Every two years, the World Association of
Psychoanalysis holds a Congress for its members and anyone else interested in
psychoanalysis. This Congress will be held virtually from February 22nd
2024, to February 25th 2024.
The aim? To take advantage of the best of the virtual, to gather across
borders and languages.
Contemporary clinical issues at the
“Everyone is mad”, this proposition by Lacan gave its title to the XIVth
Congress of the World Association of Psychoanalysis. It resonates immediately
with the demand for egalitarianism that dominates the contemporary world. Taken
to its logical conclusion, it implies the exclusion of any notion of normality.
a sense, then, Lacan had anticipated the consequences of our contemporary
ideology of universal egalitarianism, which takes the form of a generalised
depathologisation. Today, as a matter of fact, it is the clinic itself, as a
whole, that is being called into question, always under the suspicion of
promoting segregative categories.
Contrary to current ideological prejudices that deconceptualise the clinic and
tend to rely on the will of subjects, against a backdrop of denial of the
unconscious, Lacanian depathologisation does not erase the clinical structures
at all. On the contrary, it highlights the edges of a mode of jouissance. Here,
the clinic is not aimed at for its own sake but serves as an instrument for
orienting oneself in the interpretation that is the principle of the analytic
So a congress via videoconference means 4
days in front of the screen?
No, not at all! Just a few hours a day!
To listen to clinical cases?
Yes, during the parallel clinical sessions on Thursday, the 22nd
and Friday, the 23rd of February!
And Saturday and Sunday?
Those will be the plenary days, when you'll hear contributions from
psychoanalysts of the WAP, writer-poets, polymaths…
And in the run-up to the conference?
You can discover tiktalks by colleagues from all over the world and the TLMF
To register:
For the schedule:
The arguments:
TLMF series:
Interview conducted by Pascale Rivals for ACF Midi-Pyrénées
Translated by Stéphane Preteux.