Study Cartel Events In the NLS


The cartel constitutes one of the three pillars of analytic training, along with personal analysis and supervision. Jacques Lacan proposed the cartel formula in his School as the basic organ for the elaboration of new knowledge.


Anyone interested in psychoanalysis can work in a cartel; which must have “at least three people, five at most, four being the right balance, plus-One…. "1


On the NLS website


you can find in the cartels section:
       the form to declare your cartel, the thematic headings to register it, the form to register a cartel towards the congress of the NLS 2023, “Discontent and Anxiety in the clinic and in civilization”
       the catalogue of existing cartels
       basic texts on cartels
       the 4+One Newsletter of cartels and the possibility to propose a text for the next newsletter


We invite you to the next working events on cartels, via zoom:
Saturday 18 February a French-speaking event, 3 pm to 5.30 pm GMT+1 
Sunday 19 March an English-speaking event, 4 pm to 6.30 pm GMT 



The NLS Cartels Commission is at your disposal for any questions at the following email address:  


Marina Frangiadaki, NLS Cartel Delegate
Mercedes Rouault, Linda Clarke and Markus Zöchmeister,
NLS Cartel Commission


1 Jacques Lacan, “Founding Act,”,  21 June 1964



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