The Lacanian Review 9: "Still Life?"
Marie-Hélène Brousse & Cyrus Saint Amand Poliakoff, The Discipline of the Double Meaning
Speaking Being is Waste
Laura Sokolowsky, Psychoanalysis is an Anti-Initiation
Jacques Lacan, Le phénomène lacanien
Jacques Lacan, The Lacanian Phenomenon
Nature Morte
Gérard Wajcman, The Lives of Nature Morte
Peter Wadhams and Janet Haney, The Iceman Speaketh of the Arctic Death Spiral
The End (of Analysis)
Bernard Seynhaeve, The Stars are Aligned
Anna Aromí, Event: The AS and the School One
Domenico Cosenza, The Pass, Between Event and Interpretation
Anne Lysy, What Words, What Body?
Dominique Holvoet, The Pinning of Someone Unplaceable
Anne Béraud, The Indelible Trace
Florencia F.C. Shanahan, Dejar Que Pase…
Patricia Bosquin-Caroz, Pass and Femininity
Jean-Daniel Matet, The Pass, Not Without the School
Véronique Voruz, Our Agalmatic Capital
Alexandre Stevens, From the Pass to Interpretation
Jean-Daniel Matet, Summoned
Anne-Claude Crémieux and Gérard Wajcman, Still Unforeseeable
Chad Abresch, Paradox of Etiology
Steve Woolgar and Janet Haney, Massive Breaching Experiment
Stuart Scott and Janet Haney, Bringing Them the Plague
Pascale Fari, Unconscious is its Interpretation
Jacques-Alain Miller, We Are All Ventriloquists
Jacques-Alain Miller, Nous sommes tous ventriloques
A Real Science of Life?
Éric Laurent, Preface to the German and Hebrew Editions of The Other Side of Biopolitics
Antonio Di Ciaccia, The Atopia of the Unconscious
Yves Vanderveken, The Unconscious and the Brain: Nothing in Common
What to Do With Objects
Lucie de Saint Blanquat and Fred Baitinger, The Littoral Condition of Earth Art
Rik Loose, Art and Psychoanalysis Beyond (Lack-of) Being
Agnieszka Piotrowska and Gustavo Dessal, A Love Life, Still: “Love is essentially deception”
Politics: We Are Still Alive?
Guy Briole, A Gray Discourse
Éric Laurent, Europe Through the Ordeal of Hate (Part I)
Éric Laurent, Europe Through the Ordeal of Hate (Part II)
Robert Buck, Out of the Blue
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