TUCHÉ : Nos lectures / Our Readings

« Le sujet est heureux(…) tout heur lui est bon
pour ce qui le maintient, soit pour qu'il se répète
— Télévision, Autres écrits, 526

Our Readings / Nos lectures

One Holophrase Two Teachings

Malka Shein

In the argument for the NLS Congress, A. Stevens notes: “Jacques-Alain Miller is the one who connected this fixation with the One of jouissance in the last Lacan, where jouissance is no longer taken up in the dialectic of desire but becomes a purely contingent shock." He also points out that in Lacan’s last teaching, repetition will find a radical formulation, since it becomes the sinthome itself. He concludes by saying: “the sinthome is the repetition of a fixation, it is even the repetition + the fixation", when the One of the signifier, outside the symbolic, which strikes the body and leaves a mark of jouissance repeats, iterates.
Even if the initial shock of language on the body “can never be directly reconstructed" in analysis, as Anne Lysy argues (1), holophrase is given a prominent place in what may constitute such a “purely contingent shock". For example, in Araceli Fuentes`s testimony (2), she recalled the sentence she repeatedly heard back in her early childhood from mourners in her village – old women who knew her late mother before she died, when Araceli was 8 months old. “Ah! If only your mother could see you!" was the out-of-meaning sentence, which took the form of an holophrase, and established in her body a foreign and recurring jouissance. It had a crucial effect, she attested.




[1] Anne Lysy, Body Event and the End of Analysis, 2012. NLS Website – orientation texts.
[2] Araceli Fuentes, GIEP Pass evening in Tel Aviv, 2015.

Adixiones et fixation

Epaminondas Theodoridis



La clinique de la toxicomanie est une clinique de l’impossible, autrement dit du réel. Au premier plan se trouve la jouissance du corps, une jouissance mortifère, toxique, qui court-circuite la jouissance de la parole et se passe de l’Autre. C’est pourquoi la toxicomanie ne constitue pas un symptôme psychanalytique, mais sous la forme de l’addiction généralisée, elle est le symptôme par excellence de notre civilisation contemporaine.

Récemment, lors du 3e Colloque international du TyA (1), nos collègues argentins ont développé le concept d’Adixiones avec un x, comme il a été proposé Ernesto Sinatra (2). Cette nouvelle écriture, inventive et pertinente, conjoint la fixation freudienne (Fixierung) de la jouissance et la définition de l’addiction par Jacques-Alain Miller comme un cycle de répétitions de jouissance dont les instances ne s’additionnent pas et dont les expériences n’apprennent rien au sujet (3). L’addiction, selon cette nouvelle perspective, devient la racine du symptôme, qui est fait de la réitération inextinguible du même Un de jouissance (4). Il s’agit du noyau réel du symptôme qui persiste au-delà de son déchiffrage. Cette répétition de jouissance, consécutive à ce traumatisme initial du corps par la violence du langage, se fait hors sens et hors savoir.


[1] Le 3e Colloque International TyA a lieu par zoom le samedi 14 mai 2022, sur le thème : « Addictions : Rejet ou choix de l’inconscient ? – Effets d’interprétation dans les traitements par la parole des toxicomanes ».
[2] Sinatra E., Adixiones, Grama ediciones, Buenos Aires 2019.
[3] Miller J.-A., « L’Un est lettre », La Cause du désir no 107, Paris, Navarin, mars 2021, 34.
[4] Miller J.-A., « Lire un symptôme », Mental no 26, Paris, juin 2011, 58.

Searching and Seeking

Miles Link



Li Qingzhao, ‘Searching and Seeking’
Searching and seeking, dreary and desolate, mournful and wretched and miserable.
When warmth turns to chill, then it is hardest to bear up.
Two or three cups of weak wine, poor screens from the harsh evening wind.
A wild goose flies past—heartbreaking, to see that old companion.
Chrysanthemums piled on the ground. How withered they are, who would gather them now?
Standing by the window, how to endure the dark alone?
Drizzle collects on the sycamore trees. All along ’til sunset, dripping drop by drop.
This condition—how could a single word like ‘misery’ capture it?

This piece by the Chinese poet Li Qingzhao demonstrates very different expressions of a melancholic repetition, in both its form and content.
Li Qingzhao was from a wealthy family of the intelligentsia during the last years of the Northern Song dynasty, making this poem just about 900 years old. In the wake of inter-dynastic conflict, Li became a war refugee: as far as we know, she wrote this poem after she had fled her home in Shandong in the northeast and resettled in Nanjing in the south. Her husband also died shortly afterwards.
Most of her surviving poetry, like ‘Searching and Seeking’, are examples of the 词 () poetic form popular in the Song era, in which poets wrote to the tune of popular songs. The songs are now lost, but, even in the appearance of the original Chinese poem, it is clear how the poetic form influences the text: as you can imagine if you wrote lyrics to fit an already-existing song, the poem is not perfectly orderly and rhythmically even, as in Tang dynasty poetry.
Perhaps we tend to think of repetition as having this quality of rhythm and regularity. And perhaps, then, this is another way of distinguishing the two forms of repetition that Lacan raises in Seminar XI, automaton and tuché: that is, there is a repetition that is not predictable and regular and orderly. Certainly, that quality is what characterises this poem: there is an identifiable repetition that nonetheless moves in unexpected ways.
This is evident in the poem’s first line, which in (modern) Chinese sounds like this: ‘xún xún mì mì, lěng lěng qīng qīng, qī qī cǎn cǎn qī qī’. ‘Searching and seeking, dreary and desolate, mournful and wretched and miserable.’ The Chinese language has the property of redoubling characters, to express both emphasis and a repetitive or cumulative action. Hence, for example, the Mao-era slogan: ‘好好学习,天天向上’: o hǎo xué xí, tiān tiān xiàng shàng: ‘Study hard, and every day you will improve’. So the first line of Li’s poem does not just say, ’I’m looking for something, and I’m sad’, but ‘I am endlessly searching, and I cannot escape the state that I am in’.


[1] Original from Gu Shi Wen Wang, https://so.gushiwen.cn/shiwenv_f82821b9d569.aspx. Translation is my own.




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