TUCHÉ : Repetition – Nos lectures / Our Readings

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« Le sujet est heureux(…) tout heur lui est bon
pour ce qui le maintient, soit pour qu'il se répète
— Télévision, Autres écrits, 526

Nos lectures / Our Readings 


"Repetition and the Real of Other Jouissance, Encore…"

Cristina Rose Laurita


For Lacan, “Woman cannot be said.” (1) Come again?

The paradox: attempts to speak of the feminine will encounter a point of impossibility, a real “dit-mension.” How does the real as the impossible, which repeats via the “doesn’t stop not being written,” (2) relate to the Woman that doesn’t exist and Other jouissance?

Subjects on the right-hand side of Lacan’s sexuation table are divided, having access to phallic and Other jouissance. Since feminine jouissance cannot be fully inscribed in the symbolic, her relation to Other jouissance positions her closer to the real.

For Lacan, the real is always traumatic in that it involves a hole, hence his neologism troumatisme. Repetition includes a hole, as that which resists symbolization. What escapes the phallic limit produces an excess which drives repetition.


[1] Lacan J., The Seminar of Jacques Lacan, Book XX, Encore (1972-1973), ed.  J.-A. Miller, trans. B. Fink. (New York: Norton, 1998), p. 81.
[2] Ibid, p. 94. 

Repetition and Trauma

Sylvia Altenbacher



"Die Angst ist also einerseits Erwartung des Traumas, anderseits eine gemilderte Wiederholung desselben." (1)

"Anxiety is therefore on the one hand an expectation of a trauma, and on the other a repetition of it in a mitigated form."(2)

"Is there trauma through repetition or repetition through trauma?"- Tracing repetition in relation to trauma, in order to come closer to answering my question, necessitated the reading of various texts of Freud which led me to anxiety as a starting point for my reflections.

In Lecture XXXII I find a trace, here Freud writes of a twofold origin of anxiety, one that occurs as a result of an old traumatic moment itself and a second, a signal of a threatening repetition which can adapt itself to a new situation. In the quotation above he speaks of the fact that there is also an anxiety that is already a mitigated repetition of a traumatic experience. (3)



[1]  Freud S., GW Bd. XIV, Hemmung, Symptom und Angst, S. 199
[2] Freud S., The Standard Edition, Volume XX, Inhibitions, Symptoms and Anxiety, p. 166
[3] Freud S., (1927) Inhibition, Symptom and Anxiety. Stamford, Conn.: Psychoanalytic Institute. Pp. vi + 103. (Tr. supervised L. Pierce Clark; Pref. S. Ferenczi.), p. 165

Repetition and the "constant"

Gabriel Dahan



"The real, I will say, is the mystery of the speaking body, the mystery of the unconscious". (1) We may claim that this is Lacan’s way to read the Freudian ‘compulsion to repeat’ in every Triebhaft, described by him as: “[…] at once the most important and the most obscure element of psychological research”. (2) While Freud refers here to the encounter of the body and the “mental apparatus”, Lacan's reference is to the copulation of language and body. (3)

In letter 52 to Fliess Freud indicates regarding fixation, a Wahrnehmungszeichen, an inscription inaccessible to consciousness. (4) Hence, one cannot assume any version of repetition without some kind of “constant”, while this “constant” must remain outside the “field of relations”, as a "mystery"” or an “obscure element”, in order to enable this field to be constituted.



[1]Lacan J., Encore: The Seminar of Jacque Lacan, Book XX, J.-A. Miller, ed., B. Fink, trans., New York, Norton 2016, p.131.
[2] Freud S., Beyond the pleasure principle, (1920), S.E., XVIII, p.34.
[3] Lacan J., Op.cit. p. 103.
[4] Freud S., Letter 52, December 6, 1896, S.E., I, p. 234.




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